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Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK)

What is VPK? 

VPK is a program designed to prepare every child in Florida for Kindergarten and build the foundation for their educational success. VPK gives each child an opportunity to perform better in school and throughout life with quality programs that include high literacy standards, accountability, appropriate curricula, substantial instruction periods, manageable class sizes, and qualified instructors. All eligible children are entitled to participate in one of three VPK program options; VPK School Year, VPK Summer, VPK Specialized Instructional Services (SIS).

The mission of VPK is to ensure that all children are intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically ready to enter school and ready to learn, fully recognizing the crucial role of parents as their child’s first teacher.



VPK Handbook

Are You Ready to Select a VPK Provider in Your Area?

Visit several programs/classrooms and complete the checklist below:

Check the Approved Summer VPK Providers: 2024-2025


Polk County Schools Preschool and Head Start Sites

If you are interested in enrolling your child in VPK and/or Head Start at a Polk County School site, please call the PreK Office at the following number: 863-648-3051.

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